Isometric Training
What is isometric training?
CS | Strength is based on the science of isometric training. Isometric means without movement and isometric training is really just a fancy way of describing exercises in which the muscle is tensioned and holds a static position. Your muscles will not change length during isometric training, and your limbs and joints will remain in the same position. Exercises like the plank, wall sit or just pushing your palms against each other are good examples of isometric training.
Benefits of isometric training
- Isometric training is a great way to maintain your muscle strength, endurance and mobility as you age.
- Isometric training is ideal for people who suffer from bone or skeletal muscle issues, or people who are elderly and can’t handle intense exercise like before.
- It has been established that isometric training increases muscle strength more than conventional dynamic training. When your muscles stay tense for a prolonged period of time, physiological processes increase and make your muscles grow.
- It provides you with high muscle activation by having a greater opportunity to activate more muscle fibres. Over a long period of time, this means that your muscles will use as much of their mass as possible when they are challenged physically.
Used in rehabilitation
Isometric training can drastically reduce the recovery period of muscles since it’s a great way to rehabilitate your muscles and joints slowly without causing them too much of a strain or overload. Isometric exercise is usually utilized in the early phase of rehabilitation to minimize muscle atrophy when the movement of the specific body part is limited.
Before you do isometric training
As with all types of exercise, it is important that you warm up your body before you begin. During isometric training, the muscles are under tension for a longer period of time and although that tension is more constant compared to dynamic exercise, it can still be tough.
Something that’s important to know about isometric training is that your blood pressure can be raised while you perform the exercises. Therefore, it is important to consult your doctor before you do isometric training if you have problems with your blood pressure.